Wednesday, 25 March 2020


Doing our bit to help...and trying to stay sane!

Coronavirus/CORVID-19 is making history. And we are all a part of it, whether we like it or not. My eyes fill with tears thinking of the fight that the NHS is facing and pride for all they are doing. I wish I could do more to help but for now all I can do is my best to stay inside as much as possible and keep my distance, even from my closest friends and family, and reach out to others in a way that is safe. I will also just keep praying for things to become more manageable and for the decisions that have to be made constantly. 
I also need to try and keep myself sane by getting out in the acceptable ways and embracing the opportunity to spend time with my awesome family. I am also keen to help people who may be struggling with any musculoskeletal problems where some advice and encouragement may be needed. I know there is loads of amazing people out there offering free exercise videos and plans and I am going to try post some fun exercises to do with a little one. 
Joe goes back to work on the front line soon after testing negative for the CORVID-19. I only wish it were positive as this means we are more at risk. But I feel proud and support what he will be doing. I am going to struggle physically and mentally with him being out at work. It has been so great him being here to share the Kahlan and Kibo load, particularly with being 33 weeks pregnant! Just in case you didn't know haha. 

It has taken a pandemic to bring the sunshine out. Not that I'm complaining! We have tried to keep  active outside. Kahlan played with sand while I did a spot of gardening (if you can call it that) and then helped daddy mow the lawn :) 

Later on in the day we did a spot of family yoga :) Bridge where you peel your spine off the floor and slowing lower it down using the glutes and mobilising the spine. And Kahlans favourite downward dog stretching the backs of the legs and calves and working the shoulders and arms. 

It is fun getting Kahlan involved but still need to get out and walk and do a bit of cross training or Pilates, usually when Kahlan has a nap. It'll be harder to keep up that when Joe is back at work but will still aim to run after Kahlan and do some fun exercise together. Just keeping moving is valuable and need to keep telling myself that, especially as I get bigger and the fatigue of late pregnancy is setting in.

I hope everyone is managing to find ways to stay sane and positive in this difficult and unbelievable time were are going through. 

Saturday, 21 March 2020

Let me escape

I may not be running but escaping for a walk in the near enough mountains helped to refresh my mind and spirit. Just walking with my Kibo dog and listening to an easy podcast where there is no signal to be tempted to check social media or the news. It set me up for a better day and my mood did feel lighter. Followed by amazing friends bringing supplies to my door step and just showing so much love and kindness. I am desperate to reciprocate and hope I can do in some way now and later. 

 After a better day as I write this the anxiety is creeping back in. And I am ashamed to say that a lot of it boils down to lack of control. I feel frustrated enough that I can't just nip to the shops and choose what I want to eat. But I hate that I don't even know what I can expect to get. For someone that has had control issues and particularly around food this is particularly challenging for me. I need to stop and remind myself that I am so so lucky that I have anything. That amazing friends are dropping things round and that I am well. So I am sorry for the frustrations and hope that I can use this time to work on my irrational feelings. I may still be frustrated that people feel the need to empty shelves and make things difficult not just for consumers but for shop owners. 

I hope that anyone who is struggling no matter if it seems rational or not can find a way to unwind. Chatting to someone, light exercise, a warm bath or some gentle stretches. 

Off to bed now praying for a better and brighter tomorrow. 

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Isolation anxieties

Overwhelming Corvid-19

I think it's fair to say we are all feeling the strain of our current situation with CORVID-19. It is taking over social media, news, conversations and our minds. What makes it worse is that we are stuck inside without the usual methods we use as distractions. The seriousness and effects of it all is overwhelming. Although I would say that social media is doing an amazing job and trying to get the message and information across and help people, it can also bring with it more anxiety and stress. Everyone has an opinion and way of coping and we need to try and encourage and support one another, not criticise or cause more worry. We all need to do our best to honour the advice and instruction given to us. But we also need to support people in following the advice and coming to terms with what can be a massive mental struggle. I have to say I think its amazing the support out there with advice on things to do and how to keep busy. Let us just be careful in who we criticise and think about how we can help them follow the guidelines.

I must admit that I have been struggling the last few days. And I get frustrated at myself because I am one of the lucky ones. I found myself getting worked up over trying to make the decision to do an online shop. I decided to go for it but then felt pissed off that I have to wait 2 and half weeks and most of the options I wanted I ended up having to pay more. I worry about everything and like to feel in control of my spending and what I'm buying and when. So this has been a real battle for me. But on reflection it is probably good for me too. I am so fortunate to be able to get supplies, get them delivered and have friends drop things off every now and then. Its not how I would choose to do things but aren't we lucky that we have the options if not ideal? Yes, I need to keep reminding myself of this. 

In the meantime I need to keep getting outside and keep active as my energy allows...

Hill walks in the sun, ball throwing in the garden, inside swinging and muddy puddles!

Doing upright row (above) and bicep curl (below) with Kahlan. Can use theraband 

Muddy puddles

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Stepping out

Forest walks during isolation

The government, quite rightly have suggested that we keep our distances and in particular those who are vulnerable, myself included.
They have also said that going outside to exercise is also fine and I would say advised. I wish I could (and felt like) going for a run, but I am more than happy to be able to get out for a walk with my Kibo dog and enjoy the fresh air, peace and solitude away from the constant news about the virus. Not only does it make me feel like I have escaped the 4 walls of home but it just reminds me that there is beauty around and things to be enjoyed in solitude. 

First thing this morning Kahlan, as always, once had her breakfast was full of life and wanting to run around the house. We started doing high knee exercises, fast feet on the spot, little squats and playing 'chase you (me)'. Although I was flagging until I could get a coffee in me, her joy is infectious and gives you an energy boost. So get moving with your little ones if you have them or get outside for a bit of fresh air and movement. 

I hope to try and set up some kind of video channel link but not being tech savvy in any way I need to figure it out, but once I do will try and get a few things up. I know there will be lots out there like it, but it will be good for me to get inventive and thinking one or 2 others may benefit is a good motivator. 

I struggled for the rest of the day feeling drained and emotional with all the news and some anxiety about having a baby in the current circumstances. I am sure it will all be fine but pregnancy hormones play havoc with me. I was however more relaxed about just being able to relax a bit this afternoon and even had a nap, with Joe being around makes it easier. So this isolation isn't all bad.

Lets see what the next few days bring? Stay safe and healthy! Just hope I will be able to restock on my food essentials 😝

Monday, 16 March 2020

Getting back in...all the change

Wow how my world has changed. Absolutely for the better, but not without its challenges. 
Kahlan is nearly 2 and seeing her grow and change is the most magical and special thing in the world. The love is consuming and there is nothing I wouldn't do for her. But letting things go as a result can be so hard. 

I have managed to keep up with fitness and a bit of running, mainly cross training, Pilates at home and buggy running. Fitting it in mainly when Kahlan has a nap or when Joe can help out. Not being certain whether Kahlan will nap, go down to bed or when Joe is not around for a while has been a challenge to me, as I am used to the comfort of knowing I will get the endorphin fix that being active brings; or just knowing I am keeping up a certain level of fitness. I think with that I lost quite a bit of confidence in running. I was always able to keep on going, run up hills and push through discomfort. It is difficult to accept that is more difficult now. This has only become more so since I am now 32 weeks pregnant. 

After a particularly challenging month with illness, fatigue and my 22 month old being ill (not to mention the coronavirus scares) I decided it was about time I put my typing skills back into use to offload, share and reflect. Not to mention I do really enjoy writing, even if it is a little rustic. 
For whoever may read this it would be great to hear your views, any shared experiences or advice, but I am happy just to share how I've been feeling through this new chapter in my life. I hope it all makes some kind of sense, as I tend to just write what comes to mind without too much focus on the writing structure. For those who are in self-isolation, stay safe and watch this space for home activity program/exercise ideas and activities with little ones.
my trusted walking companion and motivator