Monday 16 March 2020

Getting back in...all the change

Wow how my world has changed. Absolutely for the better, but not without its challenges. 
Kahlan is nearly 2 and seeing her grow and change is the most magical and special thing in the world. The love is consuming and there is nothing I wouldn't do for her. But letting things go as a result can be so hard. 

I have managed to keep up with fitness and a bit of running, mainly cross training, Pilates at home and buggy running. Fitting it in mainly when Kahlan has a nap or when Joe can help out. Not being certain whether Kahlan will nap, go down to bed or when Joe is not around for a while has been a challenge to me, as I am used to the comfort of knowing I will get the endorphin fix that being active brings; or just knowing I am keeping up a certain level of fitness. I think with that I lost quite a bit of confidence in running. I was always able to keep on going, run up hills and push through discomfort. It is difficult to accept that is more difficult now. This has only become more so since I am now 32 weeks pregnant. 

After a particularly challenging month with illness, fatigue and my 22 month old being ill (not to mention the coronavirus scares) I decided it was about time I put my typing skills back into use to offload, share and reflect. Not to mention I do really enjoy writing, even if it is a little rustic. 
For whoever may read this it would be great to hear your views, any shared experiences or advice, but I am happy just to share how I've been feeling through this new chapter in my life. I hope it all makes some kind of sense, as I tend to just write what comes to mind without too much focus on the writing structure. For those who are in self-isolation, stay safe and watch this space for home activity program/exercise ideas and activities with little ones.
my trusted walking companion and motivator

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