Saturday 20 January 2018

Happy new year!!!


So I had written a couple of blogs whilst on a lovely holiday in Morocco, only to find that they hadn't saved. At 24 weeks pregnant I feel rather upset and frustrated and the loss of energy to do much, even writing. So things have been quiet on this end. 
So much seems to have been going on over the last few months. Christmas was lovely with family, though hectic and quite tiring with the travelling about. Not feeling up to doing the usual running and things was hard mentally but also refreshing in a weird way. Still wanting to walk and possibly feeling more pressure to walk more with doing less other things. But trying to focus on the little miracle growing inside me and respect my body for the amazing thing that it is doing...growing a whole new person!!!

Going away was really good straight after Christmas, even though I find it stressful leading up to it. Especially with knowing we still have lots of reservation work to do and less energy to push myself to exercise more. I was determined to have a holiday not putting pressure on myself to get out running, walking/hiking everyday, but to enjoy just relaxing a bit. Did I succeed? Yes and no. We walked around Marrakech, managed a couple of good walks in the atlas mountains, one of which was in deep snow and glorious sunshine, and did a bit of yoga every morning (5-10 mins). We enjoyed some lovely and quite interesting food and got good fill of olives, bread, oranges and omelettes along with the well known moroccan mint tea. Browsing the chaotic souks (shops), lunch on the roof of a cafe then relaxing in the sun on the riad's roof terrace reading a book with coffee and ice-cream  before venturing out again into the hustle and bustle for dinner made up a lot of our days. I found myself not knowing what to do with myself but relaxed into it a bit as the holiday went on. It's always sad when a holiday comes to an end; however, being able to pick what you want to eat, when you want to eat and of course see our Kibo makes coming home easier. 

Since being back I've felt quite tired which has been really frustrating. After feeling like I've indulged a bit on holiday and done less I feel the need to get back to training, like I probably normally would. But being pregnant my body seems to be telling me different. It's challenging constantly adjusting my expectations when for so long you are almost in autopilot, getting back to what you normally would. I enjoy moving, feeling fit and active and pushing myself, some of the time. But for the first time I really am struggling to push myself in that way. Whether it's just physical or slightly mental I can't tell but, I am trying to embrace the change and appreciate it rather than be so fearful of it. Easier said than done, but the little on growing in me is my helper at this challenge :) 

I will continue to walk and anything else is a bonus. Most of my energy will be taken up battling through the mountain of baby items out there and identifying what I really need. Along with finishing getting our kitchen in place. Only 16 weeks to go!!!

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