Thursday 24 May 2018

Run 100 miles? Or give birth?!

Kahlan Rebecca Hill

I write this a week and a half on from giving birth to our beautiful daughter Kahlan. She is perfect and we are so in love and I am pleased to say that despite a second degree tear I am recovering really well. 

The birth:
I won't go into detail but I'll just say that it was pretty quick (although didn't feel it at the time). I spent most of the time at home, trying to make soup, until the Joe decided it was time to get to the hospital. A few hours later she was born. At the time I remember thinking 'will I get through this? I am not doing this again! And I would run 100 miles in an instance over this!' But as soon as she was born the elation, relief and joy took over and as the week has gone on that memory of how hard it was has faded and to experience the joy of brining a baby, my baby, into the world would make it hard not to want to do it again. Just like the elation and relief you feel after finishing a tough event like the 100 miler. It doesn't always feel good at the time but the result is worth it and leads you on to doing it again.

Kahlan is such a joy and despite being unable to get out much and feeling a bit of panic about not being active, she is a good distraction. I can honestly say that I will look forward to learning new ways of building fitness and strength. For years I have been reluctant and almost scared to do things differently, thinking time rather than effort is effective, just because that has always worked for me. But I no longer have the gift of time and will need to make the most of what I have. 

For now though I am going to enjoy the tiny baby cuddles and get used to having someone else more important to think about.

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